Student Loans
Direct Subsidized Loans
- The U.S. Department of Education pays the interest on a Direct Subsidized Loan while you’re in school at least half-time, for the first six months after you leave school (referred to as a grace period), and during a period of deferment (a postponement of loan payments).
Direct Unsubsidized Loans
- You are responsible for paying the interest on a Direct Unsubsidized Loan during all periods.
Financial Literacy: Researchers have discovered that financial literacy education, learning and using skills for money management increases the likelihood of students graduating from a college or university and graduating with less credit card and student loan debt, sounds important right? We think so.
Please borrow wisely as this is funding you must repay!
For More Information
Financial Aid
Building 6 – Upper Floor
Phone: (206) 592-4856