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Worker Retraining

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Worker Retraining 2023-03-23T19:53:44+00:00

Worker Retraining

The Worker Retraining Grant plays a major role in Washington state’s economic development by providing funding for required tuition cost, school fees, and books for eligible dislocated and unemployed workers in training or retraining that will assist them in gaining employment.

Who can we help?

Anyone meeting one of the following criteria:

  • Receiving or eligible to receive unemployment benefits.
  • Exhausted unemployment benefits (within past 4-years).
  • Active Duty Military (VIE-25)
  • Unemployed veteran discharged from service (within past 4-years).
  • Formerly self-employed and unemployed due to economic conditions (within past 2-years).
  • Displaced Homemaker: Unemployed or underemployed after having been dependent on another family member’s income, but no longer supported by that income due to separation, divorce, death, or permanent disability of the main wage-earner (within past 4-years).
  • Vulnerable Worker (at risk of being unemployed) who meets 2 of the following 3 requirements:
    • Your job is not in demand (See the Local Area Demand/Decline Occupations list).
    • You have not earned more than 45 college credits.
    • You must upgrade your skills to remain employed in your current job.


Eligible Pathways

  • ELCAP/ESOL, GED/High School Completion, Jumpstart, I-BEST, and Continuing Education.
  • Pursuing an approved program of study listed under Professional-Technical Options


For more information on how to apply please visit:

How to Apply